Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Covers!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

This week is a TTT Rewind – which means I can choose any topic I missed or one I want to revisit.

It may be poor form to pick/buy/read a book solely based on it’s cover but there are so many books with gorgeous covers so my chosen topic today is one that was first featured on TTT in July 2010 and it is Favourite Covers

(Clicking on the cover will take you to the book’s page on goodreads)

Seraphina (Seraphina, #1)The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles, #1)Blackbirds (Miriam Black, #1)Nineteen Eighty-FourFated (Soul Seekers, #1)Stormdancer (The Lotus War, #1)The HeiressesThe Body Finder (The Body Finder, #1)The Invisible Man Twenty Boy SummerGravity's RainbowThe Owl KillersDays of Blood and Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #2)

It seems that I really like covers with birds on them…

There are so many fantastic covers out there – I know that when it comes to buying books I am known to shell out a little extra to get the edition with the cover that appeals to me more.

I absolutely adore the cover for Seraphina. It’s one of the reasons why I waited so long to buy it – the UK cover isn’t quite as pretty but recently they were selling the version with the cover I posted here in my local bookstore!

I haven’t read all the books I’ve posted here – this is just about covermance – but I’ve read most of them and intend to read the ones I haven’t read.

Please leave me a comment telling me what your favourite book covers are! I love hearing from people. 


    • I just googled that and I love the idea of having it as a matchbox. Some people are so clever! Darkness Shows the Stars is a beautiful cover!

  1. These are gorgeous covers! The Owl Killers is new to me – that cover is very striking. Days of Blood and Starlight is lovely too. Thanks for sharing these 🙂

    • You’re welcome! I love when people like the same things I like. And I think we’re pretty lucky to have so many beautiful book covers around the place!

  2. Pingback: Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Book Spines | whY.A.not?

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