Young Adult: Wish You Were Italian by Kristin Rae

Young Adult: Wish You Were Italian by Kristin RaeWish You Were Italian by Kristin Rae
Series: If Only #2
Also in this series: Fool Me Twice, Not in the Script
on 5th June 2014
Pages: 272
Format: Paperback

Click here to buy the book from AmazonBooktopiaBook DepositoryAngus and Robertson
The summer before senior year of high school. It’s supposed to be one of the biggest summers of her life, but Pippa is headed to an art program she has no interest in. The one saving grace is it’s in Italy. And when the opportunity strikes, she decides to ditch the program and travel Italy accomplishing her own list of goals. Things like swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, eating a whole pizza in one sitting…and falling in love with an Italian boy!

As she explores the famous cities of Rome and Pompeii, Pippa finds herself falling for two boys: a local guy she knows is nothing but trouble and a cute American archaeology student who keeps disappearing and reappearing at the strangest moments. Will Pippa find her true love before her parents find out the truth about her summer program?

After being banished to Italy by her mother and forced to endure boring art lessons in Florence, Pippa decides to take her vacation into her own hands. Italy is full of culture, amazing food and experiences Pippa intends to embrace wholeheartedly. Using a little bit of subterfuge, Pippa and her trusty camera take in all Italy has to offer. Beginning in Rome, Pippa travels the country completing a list her best friend has given her and making the most of her forced trip to Europe.

This book is a part of a new line of clean reads where the focus is on the magical feeling of first loves. It’s such an adorable book. Pippa is an intelligent young woman who is tired of being controlled by parents. She feels they care more about their careers than their only child. So Pippa does something radical. She pulls out of art school and goes on the trip of a lifetime telling only her best friend and loving grandmother what she is really doing. Is it irresponsible? Just a touch – but Kristin has written it in such a way which makes it feel right for Pippa. As she travels Italy, she starts to learn about herself and what the world has to offer.

And then there are the boys! Pippa meets the very cute but very American Darren on her very first day in Rome. Gorgeous, smart and fun to be around but there’s the small problem of his beautiful travel companion Nina who is well spoken and shares Darren’s interest in architecture and archaeology. Enter Bruno, the quintessential Italian boy with an accent to match and he is very interested in a summer romance with Pippa. This love triangle of sorts is written so well and full of those moments which just make your heart melt.

Wish You Were Italian isn’t just about the romance. Family relationships are tested and friendships learn if they can endure the pressures adding boys can bring. Italy added an extra something to the book with the culture highlighted and the feeling that this book could not have just been set anywhere – Italy was a character in its own right. I liked how all of things combined into a sweet novel I’d feel comfortable recommending to readers of all ages.

This book is the perfect summer read – or if you’re like me and it’s the start of winter – it is the kind of book which warms you up and makes you feel like you are there with Pippa enjoying the Italian sun.


Thanks to Bloomsbury Australia for the review copy

One Comment

  1. Yay, Italy! My grandparents are taking me to France and Italy next year as an early 18th, because I’m totally spoiled. I will definitely endeavour to eat an entire pizza in one sitting 🙂 this book sounds really adorable – I love books set in Europe (ahem Anna and the French Kiss!).

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