Today is a VERY special day for fans of Rachael Craw’s Spark series.
For those of you who do not know – I’m a HUGE fan of Rachael Craw. Her book Spark (which was revealed exactly one year ago today!) is a fantastic start to what promises to be an amazing series. It’s exciting and action packed with tender moments and friendship and all those wonderful things you want the books you read to be full of. (You can read my review for Spark here)
How gorgeous is that cover? I think it goes down as one of my ten favourite book covers of books I’ve read.
Not only that but today is the cover reveal of STRAY – the MUCH ANTICIPATED (I know I’m dying to read what happens next for Evie and Jamie!) second book in the Spark series.
IT’s absolutely beautiful! I have major cover lust and the release of the cover makes me that much more anxious and excited over the release of Stray (1st September 2015).
Not only is the cover amazing but the blurb makes Stray sound like a novel NOT TO BE MISSED!:
It’s hard to remember hating anything as much as I hate Affinity; a bone-deep loathing for the faceless unknown and the concrete walls of my own DNA.
Evie is a Shield: designed to kill in order to protect, and the Affinity Project have finally come for her. But Evie isn’t ready for the sinister organisation to take control of her life, her body, her mind. She isn’t ready to follow their rules about who may live and who must die – not when it condemns the innocent. She has one option: risk losing everything and everyone – including Jamie – and run.
For those of you who haven’t read Spark (the first book in this series) I’ll give you a quick rundown:
Spark is the story of Girl meets Boy where the Boy (Jamie) just happens to be girl’s best friends brother! And Girl (Evie) is just starting to come into her own as a BAMF – complete with all kinds of super genetically enhanced abilities.

Evie is every bit as badass as Xena Warrior Princess!
Her DNA is pre-programmed to guard and this young warrior woman will do whatever it takes to protect what is hers. Things get a little complicated due to a messy prior history and the complexity of their families. Not to mention Evie and Jamie are forced apart by their duty and DNA.
I hope you are all as excited as I am for the release of Stray (it’s only like… 62 days! Eek!). And if you haven’t started the series yet, I highly recommend it. Rachael Craw is a brilliant writer and an a lovely person. You should all follow her on twitter (@RachaelCraw) if you have read Spark or not. If you’re a fan she shares little tidbits behind the scenes with her followers. And if you haven’t read Spark you will want to after reading her tweets. She’s always up for a chat and she’s just such an exceptional person (even if she did name her leading male character Jamie… ick! That name still irks me a little but he’s written so well that I can look past the name and focus on his epicness).
Be sure to keep an eye on the Walker Australia twitter account, as a special countdown will begin to July 31 where an exclusive short story teaser from Rachael not featured in Spark or Stray will be released on iTunes.

(Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads)
Published by Walker Books on 1st September 2015
Genres: Action & Adventure, Fiction, Young Adult
Click here to buy the book from Amazon •Booktopia • Book Depository • Angus and Robertson
It’s hard to remember hating anything as much as I hate Affinity; a bone-deep loathing for the faceless unknown and the concrete walls of my own DNA.
Evie is a Shield: designed to kill in order to protect, and the Affinity Project have finally come for her. But Evie isn’t ready for the sinister organisation to take control of her life, her body, her mind. She isn’t ready to follow their rules about who may live and who must die – not when it condemns the innocent. She has one option: risk losing everything and everyone – including Jamie – and run.
Sweet Kate:
This is such a wonderful post. You are so kind and generous to me. Thank you for taking the time to make this so very awesome. I truly appreciate your incredible support! If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have the #SparkArmy … we could have been something less cool like the Sparkettes or the Spark-cicles. Bless you! <3 Xxx
Thanks Rachael. But there wouldn’t be a Spark Army if it wasn’t for your wonderful book. Also – you’re so lovely to chat with and are always there for your fans! You’re amazing! <3
Pingback: Stray by Rachael Craw: Cover revealed! - BOOK MUCH
I’m so, so, so excited for this one! And that cover is so very pretty <3 🙂
I love your comparison of Evie and Xena. That totally works! Can’t wait for this one 🙂
I know, right? Fierce independent women who are deadly weapons in their own right yet aren’t afraid to call on the help of their friends when they need it.
But mostly I just used it because of Rachael being a Kiwi and Xena’s New Zealand connection 😛