Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.
The topic for this week is: Top Ten Books That Were Hard For Me To Read (because difficult of book, subject matter, because it was cringeworthy– however you want to interpret)
Here are my ten:
Game of Thrones by George RR Martin
It’s long. It’s intimidating because of the hype, the sheer length and the at times controversial and uncomfortable subject matter. I ador the show but it took me longer than I’d like to admit to finish reading this first book. I haven’t even started on book two!
It’s long. And it’s amazing. My review for this book will be up next week and I’m so glad for the chance to read it because this is fantasy at its best. But it was hard for me to read because I was slightly scared it was going to be over my head because I read shockingly few books which are aimed at adults.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
I wonder if I’m the only one who finds classic books hard to read. I started reading P&P when I was 13 and it took me almost a decade to finish it. I just didn’t get it and found the language annoying. Now I can appreciate the language and story a lot more and count it as one of my favourite books but it was so hard for me to get there.
Nearly gave up on this one a dozen times. It was hard for me to read because of the subject content. I don’t like books with cheating/adulterous relationships in them. (my review)
Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead (my review)
Disruption by Jessica Shirvington (my review)
The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkowski (my review)

These three were all difficult to read because I didn’t want them to end. There was a part of me trying to draw it out but at the same time NEEDED to know what was going to happen next.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
I had wanted to read this book since I first joined goodreads (Sept’ 2010) and then spent the next year trying to find a copy. I didn’t realize it had a different name here until after I had bought a copy online… And once I started to read it, I never actually finished it. I love romance books featuring Scottish Highlanders (one of my guilty pleasures) but this one didn’t work for me. My copy sits on my bedside table waiting for me to finally get around to finishing it because I want to know what happens but can’t bring myself to pick it up again,
Rich Kids of Instagram – One of those books where I didn’t connect with any of the characters and found the story to be slightly irritating. (my review)
Looking for Alaska by John Green – Books with hype are books I always find hard to read. I spend 90% of this books trying to work out why everyone raved about it. (my review)
Which books have you found hard to read? Any we have in common? Are there any books you’ve found so hard to read that you haven’t even started them? Feel free to leave a comment 🙂 Happy Tuesday!
OMG same! I really didn’t get the hype for Looking for Alaska! And then because there was so much hype that’s all I could focus on and then I didn’t really enjoy it.
and SAME with Disruption and Silver Shadows, I really didn’t want them to end and I tried not to speed read but I couldn’t help it, and then I finished them. 😀
Thanks for the great post!
Okay – so the same could be said for me and ANY of Richelle Mead’s books. I remember putting The Fiery Heart aside to read the ending when I had more time and could properly appreciate it – but it was just one page and then the first chapter of Vampire Academy. I felt so cheated! But yeah… aren’t those sorts of books the best?!
I’m the same with classics! Although I read Pride and Prejudice as I was watching the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, so that helped a lot 😛
I did that with Emma/Emma Approved! I think I was supposed to have read Emma back in year twelve but kind of just used Sparknotes and managed to get my only A in English from that… Schools should make people watch webseries… they do help make the older books more relevant to modern life.
As someone who loves classics and tries to read a lot of them I will say you are not alone! Pride & Prejudice is one of my favourite classics ever and I read it at a young age. But I never recommend it as one for people to start out with because of the fact that the language is complex. I’m glad you were able to get through it! 🙂
Reading Persuasion was what got me to finish Pride and Prejudice. I read Persuasion and fell in love with everything about it. I know some people don’t like it but I liked how the romance was different and I found Anne relatable. That is what got me reading P&P, S&S, and Northhanger Abbey.
I really should read more classics! Whilst they may not be for everyone, there’s a reason why they stand the test of time.
You definitely aren’t the only one with classics. I still can’t get on with Pride and Prejudice no matter how hard I try! I agree with you about Looking For Alaska. I don’t really like John Green’s books as much as everyone else seems to!
YES, I totally find classics hard to read!!! I only read P&P two years ago and ugh… I don’t know. It just didn’t work for me! I can appreciate it, but I didn’t like it and it took me ages to read. Bummer!
You are totally not the only one who finds classics hard. ME TOO. I was absolutely appalled by Jane Eyre. Seriously. I’m still cringing. I didn’t even finish and I don’t want to. >_< The only classics I've ever loved are Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan…and they're both more kids stories anyway. 😉 I couldn't even get through LOTR!
I'm very terrified of Game of Thrones as well. Sheer size. Eeeh. I still want to try it eventually though. 😉
Here’s my TTT!
Oh no, you are not the only one who has difficulty with classics. They can be daunting! The length and the language are often a lethal combo! But I’m glad you finally finished Pride & Prejudice. Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors and I thinks she gets a little easier the more one reads her.
And I’m hoping to read Outlander here at some point, but I’m concerned about spending that much time on an iffy book.
Game of Thrones, Outlander are series that I would consider, “doorstoppers” They’d probably make my list, too.
You are definitely not the only one who has a hard time reading classics. I read Pride and Prejudice when I was around 17, and it took me a bit to get into it, and to understand what was going on. It is my favorite book, and I love it. I’ve read it many times since, but every time it takes me a few chapters to get into the flow of the language. It’s always a struggle at first.
Oh, I love Pride and Prejudice! I’m glad you loved it once you finally got through it!
I had a hard time with P&P when I was younger, and didn’t really appreciate it till I read it in my Jane Austen class in college. I love it now, and I’m actually teaching it to my British Lit students 😛
*is now scared for Silver Shadows*
Great picks, I see a few on here I’m too intimidated to even read yet, GOT and Outlander! I STILL haven’t managed to finish P&P yet, so it’s not just you! Lol