Blog Tour: Stone of Thieves by Diane J. Reed

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Welcome to my stop on the Stone of Thieves blog tour! This book (the second in Diana J. Reed’s Robbin’ Hearts series) has all the charm and excitement of book one (Robin in the Hood) plus more. Gypsies, visions and an Italian adventure which needs to be read to be believed.

Blog Tour: Stone of Thieves by Diane J. ReedStone of Thieves by Diane J. Reed
on 8th May 2014
Pages: 238
The Stone of Thieves . . . for centuries its magnetic draw has twisted the hearts of ambitious men and women with the promise of power, passion, and intrigue until it fell into the hands of unlikely thieves Robin and her boyfriend Creek. But can they steal their destiny away from the curse that pursues this magnificent ruby heart? As the stone begins to spread its sorcery, Robin races to find her long-lost mother in Italy in the hopes of discovering the truth about her unique gypsy heritage and the ruby heart that is rumored to steal souls. Yet when the desire for this stone by powerful members of her family threatens their very lives, Creek decides to take matters into his own hands to protect Robin, his greatest treasure of all . . . Stone of Thieves is a sensual, stand-alone new adult novel and the sequel to Robin in the Hood in the Robbin' Hearts Series. Due to mature themes, readership is advised for ages 17+.


Much like in Robin in the Hood, this book is action packed. From the first page until the last there is always something going on. On their way to Italy, Robin and Creek are on a mission to rescue Robin’s mother and find the truth about the ruby heart stone. But things are never easy and Robin and Creek are in more danger than ever. The gypsies who hold information they need are mysterious and their way of life confusing to the young Americans. But together they can overcome it all and save Robin’s mother… as long as the mysterious powers of the stone don’t steal Robin’s soul first.

Diane J. Reed takes us on another incredible journey with Stone of Thieves. Robin and Creek’s adventures are almost unbelievable with the speed and absurdity of what they have to face and yet within the realm of this series – it works. It took me a while to get used to the style and the pace but once I did I found myself enjoying reading their journey.

As they try to find Robin’s mother, Robin and Creek find themselves growing up and being involved with more adult situations. This includes their relationship becoming more intimate and adult. I was surprised by the route Stone of Thieves took regarding the their romance. One of the things I liked most about the first book was Robin’s stage in life. She was fairly young for her years and I found that refreshing. She did take on more responsibility as the book progressed and she had matured. But despite her growth as a person, I wasn’t expecting her relationship with Creek to evolve to where it did in this novel. That said, it was handled well and did help the build the story.

Robin and Creek both have to come to terms with their pasts – including their own misdeeds and their family relationships. The more I read of this series, the more I like them as a couple. They each bring out the best in the other and they have a bond which despite the circumstances, is believable and strong. Many of the other characters in this book were interesting to read about – especially the Conte de Bargona who is wonderfully terrible and I loved his lack of redeeming qualities.

Stone of Thieves was never quite what I was expecting and I think that’s why I enjoyed reading it so much. You never know what’s going to happen next and the constant plot twists did keep me guessing right up until the end. I’m excited to see what is going to happen in the third book (Sherwood’s End) and have high hopes it is as action packed and exciting as the first two in the series!


 Many thanks to the author of generously providing me with a copy of Robin in the Hood and Stone of Thieves for review.

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Also in this series:

Robin in the Hood (Robbin’ Hearts Series #1) by Diane J. Reed

Release Date: 10/01/12

300 pages

robin in the ood

Summary from Goodreads:

“Is it any wonder I became a bank robber?” 

But she never dreamed she’d fall in love…

Wealthy high school student Robin McArthur thinks she has it all figured out when it comes to bilking her wealthy dad for guilt money as a substitute for his genuine affection. Until one day he suffers a stroke, and she learns the brutal truth:

They’re broke.

Her stepmom has skipped the country.

And everyone from bankers to bookies has lined up in her dad’s hospital room to collect on the millions he’s racked up in debt.

Panicked and desperate, Robin figures she has two choices. Either surrender to the pestering caseworker and live in a skanky foster home, or take a chance and sneak her dad out of the hospital to make a run for it. Little does she know that stealing a car and hitting the road means that before the day is through, she will rob her first bank.

Now an outlaw, Robin finds a backwoods trailer park to hide her dad from authorities. There, she encounters Creek, a local bad boy who also commits crimes to provide for their motley neighbors. Realizing she could use Creek’s help, Robin proposes an ingenious plan—they should team up to rob banks together. But when their partnership leads to a romance that turns Robin’s world upside down, she soon begins to discover that people are more precious than pocketbooks, and real love means opening your heart to the kinds of treasures money can’t buy…


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