Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Bucket List

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

The topic for this week is: Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List

You may ask – What is a bookish bucket list? 

It’s more or less a collection of book related things you want to achieve during your life. These could be things like X number of books you want to have read, a genre you want to break in to, meeting authors – that sort of thing.

I had so much fun coming up with my ten and I’m going to actively work at trying achieve crossing them off my list.

  • Make a vlog post
    • I’ve always wanted to make a video blog post but haven’t had the nerve. I watch so many fabulous vloggers and one day I’ll try my hand at making one.
  • Create more bookish crafts
    • I’m a fairly crafty person. I love making new things and I think I should try and combine my love of books and craft more often. I recently took up crocheting and made myself a Luna Lovegood inspired scarf. Watch this space- there will be more crafty book posts in my future.
  • Go to famous book related places
    • Visit Anne Frank’s house in Amsterdam, walk the streets of Bath like a Jane Austen heroine, experience the magic of where the Harry Potter movies were filmed, go to 221B Baker Street and try to be as deductive as Sherlock Holmes. I want to travel more and go to all sorts of famously bookish places.

    221B Baker Street – originally a fictional address but due to the growth of London, is now an address and home to the Sherlock Holmes museum.

  • Meet more bloggers
    • I love getting the chance to chat with bloggers online. Such a clever and creative and funny bunch of people. I’ve got to meet a few lovely bloggers but I’d enjoy the chance to get to meet more face to face.
  • Attend more bookish events
    • Book signings, author talks, conferences – I want more! I have gotten to meet some of my favourite authors and I feel lucky for the experiences but I’m greedy and want more. I attended Indie Authors Down Under 2014 on the Gold Coast last Sunday and it was amazing. So yes – more author events would be incredible!
  • Be asked to write a review in a publication
    • It would be the ultimate validation as a reviewer to be given the honour to write in a publication of some kind.
  • Have a dream personal library
    • At the moment most of my books are in boxes all over my house. My shelving space ran out long ago I have a lot of fun looking at gorgeous home libraries on pinterest and google. One day I’ll get my dream library and it will be my favourite room in the house.

    How gorgeous is this personal library? It even has a fireplace and office area. It’s perfect. (source:

  • Read all the books I already own
    • Pretty self explanatory. I’ve read a lot of books… but I own a lot more that I haven’t. I’ve put them aside for various reasons but one day I shall have read them all! One day – I’ll finish Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand!
  • Read at least 10 books of poetry and at least 10 graphic novels
    • It’s not a genre I read much of. I have two poetry books that I adore but for the most part I don’t read any. I aim to read more. Same with graphic novels. I haven’t read very many but those that I have read were beautifully illustrated and managed to tell some great stories without a lot of words.
  • Write a novel
    • This one is for myself. No one ever needs to read it but I want to achieve it for myself.


These are the things I would LOVE to achieve some time in my lifetime. Do we have any in common? What is number one on your Bookish Bucket Lists. Feel free to leave me a comment. I love reading what you have to say. 


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  1. I’m a recent crochet convert too – isn’t it FUN?! And way easier than one would expect. I was going to do a post on bookish crochet this month but I’m being crushed under the weight of ARCs so it’ll have to wait. I’d love to see what you end up making 😀

    • It is fun! I made a baby blanket for my niece for Christmas (she’s two in a few weeks) and my sister is law is pregnant with twins and due in less than a month. So more baby blankets in my future too! 😛 I think the people at Lincraft are getting used to seeing me come in for more wool:P
      It’s not as hard as I thought – I still mess up and have to undo bits and have problematic areas but I can sit in front of the tv and just stitch away.

      I was planning on showcasing some bookish crochet projects I’ve seen online! So many creative people out there. I want to have a go at making the gorgeous fan bookmarks Crochetroo posted a pattern for but I think it’s a little advanced for where I am now.

      Good luck finishing your pile of books!

    • I adore the Beast’s library! I always thought Belle was lucky to get to browse and read whatever she wanted… you know. Before I really understood that being locked up in a castle by a kind of monster (even though he ends up being good) is kind of… horrible! 😛

  2. That is a great list! Oh man, I would love to write a novel, even if it is just for myself. I used to write all kinds of terrible stories when I was a kid. 😉

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Shannon @ Rex Robot Reviews

  3. I would love to have my own personal library. I like to daydream and create little interior designer ideas in my head. I want to read more poetry as well–just need to find a poet that I like.

    My TTT

    • I find poetry to be fairly personal too – some poets work for me and others don’t. Othertimes it’s dependant on my mood. I recently started reading Keats and I enjoy his work.

      And yay! I’m not the only one who fantasizes about personal libraries!

  4. I cannot believe I didn’t add the dream library thing to my bookish bucket list. Maybe it’s because it goes without saying? I think it does. I’ve always wanted floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, too. I’m about two-thirds there!

  5. This is the best list I’ve read so far!! I’d like to make a vlog post as well. It’s something I’ve been drawn to since watching vlogbrothers, and I think it would be really fun 🙂

    Hopefully at the end of this year I’ll be going to England, and seeing the studio tour of Harry Potter. That would be so awesome! As for bookish crafts, my friend made me a TFiOS cushion which is fantastic.

    I’ve completed the last item of your list (a couple of times over) but I’d love to publish a book. Hey, I’ve got time 🙂

  6. Oooh, a new blog site? Am I just slow?! It is new (new name too, isn’t it?) I think you’ve got some great goals on your list. I’d love my own personal library as well. Oh how lovely that would be!

    • Not slow – it’s brand new! 😀 New name too. My dad couldn’t quite understand the last one and I thought perhaps others had that problem to. And plus – this way I can focus on YA but it doesn’t have to be YA exclusively.

      If I was queen of the world and owned many diamond minds – I’d give everyone their own libraries. It’d be incredible.

    • It’s kind of insane how popular some of them are. Especially when they’re nothing all that fancy. Not saying they are bad or I could do better but they are achievable… I think that’s what I’m saying.

      Thanks for visiting, Angie 🙂

  7. Being asked to review for a publication would be aaaamazing. I hope you get to do that! And YES read all the books you own…that’s on mine too. Well, mine is read ALL the books, but I’d also like to narrow that down a bit and just devour the ones I own too. 😉 My TTT!

  8. Great list Kate, I wish there were more bookish events happening around Brissie! Glad to hear you enjoyed that Indies down under event, I didn’t go because there weren’t that many people I wanted to see. Haha yes one day we will read all the books we own…maybe.

    • There were only two authors there that I had read but I was going to the Coast anyway to visit my parents so I thought I’d take a look and see what it was about. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet some other bloggers and have a chat with Jessica Shirvington and Marianne Curley. So for me it was worth it.

      Are you going to PTALive in Brisbane on the 6th? IF you are – I’ll see you there!

  9. What a fab list. I would love to vlog. It’s more a technology issue with me than being shy. Talking about famous book places, I’m going to the Midwest this summer to tour some of the Laura Ingalls Wilder sites. First and probably only time I’ll do it in my life, but I’m meeting a bunch of friends I’ve known online for years. Can’t wait.

    Thanks for visiting The Book Connection.

    • That sounds like a dream come true. I’ve not read any Laura Ingalls Wilder – but I know many people who grew up loving them. I hope the bookish places live up to your expectations and you have fun meeting up with your blogging friends! 😀

  10. I’ve always though vlogging could be fun, but I’m an introvert, so I don’t have any idea on where to get the courage to plaster my face over the screen. :)) YES! I crochet too! I always get weird looks though because they think it’s for old people and I’m just 17. I made this last year in an attempt to mix reading with crochet. :)) Yes for a personal library please!!

    TTT: Bookish Bucket List
    Dress Up That Cover #1 – If I Stay

    • I’m the same way! It’s very nerve racking just thinking about it. Yay for another crocheter!
      And being 17 – my sister got all her friends at school to take up knitting when she was 11. Never young to be amazingly crafty!
      Those clouds are EPIC! I love them!

  11. These are some great goals! I tried vlogging once, and realized it isn’t for me but good luck. I love watching vloggers! I really need to read my own books too. I don’t do it enough.

  12. I love your list!! I pretty much would like to do all the same things as you 🙂 I would love to do a vlog someday. I hope you do one! That library you have up there is sick. I need something like that! I have too many books lying around in piles 🙁 I would love to have a review published somewhere… that was a good idea for this list. I would even be happy if a line from one of my reviews got quoted on a book cover or inside the book.

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT …I’m following you on Bloglovin now!

    • IT’d would be INCREDIBLE to have a line from my review quoted in a book. That’s also going on the list. If I had the power I’d give everyone their dream library – the only problem is that I’m not sure I’d ever want to be anywhere else!

    • Thanks 🙂 I tried to keep them all sort of practical. For me there is not much point in having unachievable fantasy type things on my list – not that there’s anything wrong with that. But I see it as a to-do list and not just a way to fantasize. Thanks for the follow.

  13. That’d be so cool to go to a bunch of bookish locations! I think Harry Potter locations would be at the top of my list, from real life places like Kings Cross to the sets they used for Hogwarts, the Dursley home, and such.

  14. Ooooh I ESPECIALLY love #2 and #3!! If I were a craftier type of person, I would so love to make more bookish crafts. And visit bookish sites! That would be so awesome – one day! Writing a novel isn’t a personal goal of mine, but I think it’s great that it’s one of yours! Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    • I love books and I love crafts so I think it sounds like a good idea for me to try (and try is the operative word here) to combine the two. I have a few ideas 😀
      And I know you are a rather passionate HP fan – how great would it be to go on a Hogwarts tour or to see Platform 9 3/4?

  15. Ooh, I would love to go to famous book related places. I’d definitely like a tour of the Sherlock Holmes Museum. 🙂 And yes, a personal library like the picture you shared would be like heaven on earth 🙂 I hope you get to write a novel sooner or later. 🙂

    Thanks for dropping by my TTT 🙂

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