Top Ten Tuesday: All About That Podcast

It’s Tuesday! And that means it’s time to participate in the meme created by Broke and Bookish where bloggers share their top ten based on a given topic.

Today’s Topic is: All About Audio freebie —  aka top ten audiobooks you should listen to, 10 books I want to listen to on audio,10 bands you should check out, 10 podcasts you should be listening to, 10 of my all time favorite albums, 10 songs I love, really whatever you can come up with.


I’m incredibly picky when it comes to audiobooks. I start them all the time but I often find myself impatient and end up downloading the ebook to finish them quicker or buy a physical copy instead. I don’t think I’ve ever actually listened to an ebook all the way from start to finish. I really should try and listen to them from the start to finish!

I was trying to think of ten literary podcasts to share with you but I could only come up with four that I listen to regularly.

This audio inspired list is one of the hardest I’ve ever tried to come up with.

So I’ve decided I’m going to share ten of my favourite podcasts. Not really bookish themed but ones I really enjoy.

Top Ten Podcasts in no particular order:


  1. The Oxford DNB – this is a bimonthly podcast about an individual important to British history. Selected randomly from the Oxford Dictionary of Natural Biography, there is a lot of variety in each podcast. I like these because I feel they are well researched and you never know which era you will get next. You can find this podcast here on iTunesOxford Biographies
  2. The Directors Cut: A podcast from the Directors Guild of America – What I love about this podcast is each one features a director from a current film being interviewed by one of their peers. The films being talked about are topical and with each podcast lasting from 30-40 minutes, I feel like I’ve learned something by the time it’s finished. You can find this podcast here.
  3. The Allusionist – This one is all about words. Hosted by Helen Zaltzman, the Allusionist is a fortnightly podcast talking about the history of words and language. I find her podcasts really fun to listen to and she has some great guests. One of my favourite ones I listened to recently was about the Olympics and the etymology of the names of events. Trust me – better than it sounds. You can find this podcast here.The Allusionist
  4. The Sporkful – this one is all about food. Each week they discuss another dish. But it’s also about the people who eat and love food. There have been times when this one has made me hungry and others when it’s caused me to lose my appitite. You can listen to this one here.The Sporkful
  5. The Guardian Books Podcast – A podcast all about books, this one has author interviews, readings from books and general book talk. I don’t typically read the more intellectual literature they discuss but there are times when this podcast inspires me to buy the book they’re talking about. You can listen to this podcast here.
  6. Stuff You Missed in History Class – One of my all time favourites. I listen to every episode of this without fail and occasionally go back and listen to ones I missed. This show covers a wide range of topics and I love the variety. One of the best things about this podcast is how it is international – they cover topics from all over the globe and from all eras of history. You can listen to this podcast here.
  7. Welcome to Nightvale – this one is a story told in installments. It’s been going for years and is now at almost a hundred episodes. It’s a little bit eerie, a little crazy and a little addictive. Go here to check this one out.
  8. Myths and Legends – I love mythology and this podcast covers a range of myths. There’s Greek, Roman, and Norse as well as more modern stories like King Arthur and Pocahontas. Click here to listen to this podcast. Myths and Legends
  9. Grammar Girl – I’m terrible at grammar so I love these quick and dirty tips regarding various grammatical, style and language things. I should probably actually apply the things I learn from this podcast rather than just listen and relegate the information to the dark dusty corners of my mind. Find this podcast here.
  10. Books on the Nightstand – this podcast is no longer creating new episodes but it is one of my favourites. Hosted by two booklovers who work in the publishing industry, they talk a bout books and and the industry and all that fun stuff. I’m sad that there are no new episodes but I discovered this one late in its life and have plenty of episodes in the archive to listen to. Listen to it here.

What are your favourite audiobooks? Any you would recommend to someone who don’t love listening to books? 

Do you have a favourite podcast? 

And do you listen to music whilst reading?

What’s your current favourite song? 


  1. I love audiobooks. Audiobooks I recommend based solely on performance include As You Wish by Cary Elwes, The Help by Kathryn Stockett, and The Martian by Andy Weir. For ppl who are new to audiobooks, I always advise listening to an audiobook that the listener is already familiar with. Learning to listen to audiobooks takes a little ear training.

    Interesting list. I’ll have to check some of these out.

    Visiting from TTT.

    • I can understand that. I’m a recent converter to podcasts. And I still can’t handle audiobooks! I borrowed one the other day for a book I loved and thought this is a surefire way to get into audiobooks but nope. Just didn’t work for me!

  2. I love The Allusionist…and I keep meaning to get into Grammar Girl because she’s a fellow Reno dweller but I haven’t yet. I’m adding her to my subscription list right now though!

  3. I love Stuff You Missed in History Class! Have you listened to History Chicks? They only come out once a month or so and are a bit longer but it’s a similar feel. I love Overdue which is about books we should have read by now and Read It and Weep where they talk about movies, books or TV shows that are pretty awful. I have a bunch of crime ones that I enjoy as well. I’m going to have to add Guardian Books and Sporkful to my list. They sound great!

    • I listen to Stuff You Missed in History Class using spotify. As for the Oxford DNB, I usually listen to that one on their website. I hardly ever use itunes anymore but used those links because I thought they would be the most helpful for anyone who wanted to listen to them.
      I’m big on podcasts at the moment. I’m training for a half marathon next year (I still have a lot of training… I’m so slow!) and find I can listen to two of them each time I go out for a run. And unlike trying to listen to audiobooks, I don’t get lost if my mind wanders away for a moment or two.

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