Book Review: Faking It by Gabrielle Tozer

Book Review: Faking It by Gabrielle TozerFaking It by Gabrielle Tozer
Series: The Intern #2
Also in this series: The Intern

Published by Harper Collins on 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Fiction, General, Girls & Women, Love & Romance, New Adult, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback
Source: Bought for Myself

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Things are looking up for Josie Browning. Her boyfriend, James, is crazy about her, and she's scored a writing job at indi. Now the pressure is on for Josie to prove she's got what it takes to help plan indi's launch. Plus, she's battling with flatmates, frenemies and confusing feelings for travel writer Alex.

High on the perks at indi, Josie's doing a pretty good job of faking her way in the industry - even though she still hasn't mastered her hair straightener. But when Josie is invited to a media junket, she accidentally sets off a string of lies that threaten to ruin her reputation, love life and career forever.

After reading Gabrielle Tozer’s award winning The Intern, I wanted more. And lucky for me I got my wish in the form of Faking It – a sequel to Josie Browning’s adventures as part time student, part time glamorous magazine writer.

When you love a book as much as I did The Intern there is always the lingering question of: can the author carry off such brilliance again?  Am I going to be bitterly disappointed? Well let me tell you — Gabrielle Tozer is no one hit wonder. If you liked The Intern, you are going to adore Faking It. This follow up to Tozer’s debut novel has all the embarrassing moments, glitz and glamour of The Intern and plus some. Josie may have found a place for her in the city but happily ever after doesn’t last forever.

What makes Josie’s story so special isn’t the high flying lifestyle she gets thrown into as a writer for an up and coming webzine. Nor is it the Devil Wears Prada energy which is captured beautifully.

It’s how charmingly Tozer captures Josie’s honesty and personality.

Ok – so that sounds a little like overkill.

But it’s true. I loved how relatable Josie is – despite having next to nothing in common with her. I’m at a different life stage and her struggles have never been my struggles. Yet there’s something truly authentic about Josie’s voice. She’s not forced. And despite the somewhat unbelievability of Josie’s adventures there is something about them which rings true and makes you want her to succeed no matter how impossible it may seem. Josie is one of those strong independent female characters who often doesn’t feel either of those things. She doesn’t always do or say the right thing at the right time. And yes – she does make mistakes. But when it comes down to the wire she does manage to make things write. Her heart is in the right place. She’s a bit like Bridget Jones for the New Adult set.

This book has the perfect mix of romance, females taking charge and friendship which I love to read in chick lit. Josie is busy trying to navigate her new job and the expectations put upon her by her boss and colleagues as well as finding her feel in her new relationship with James. The romance is fun to read with the chemistry between Josie and James adorable to read yet there are enough hurdles for their relationship to keep things interesting. Josie’s job provides challenges as well as the occasional embarrassing moment. Familiar faces from The Intern pop up again and there are some new characters which add just the right level of drama to Josie’s life.

Faking It is the perfect follow up to The Intern. This is one of those books which had me smiling throughout. It’s funny and Josie’s adventures can sometimes come across as absurd yet not in a way which feels wrong. I have loved the time I spent reading these characters and following them on their adventures.

If you like well written and funny stories about relatable characters who aren’t as perfect as their lives may seem – check this duology out. You will not be disappointed.


Faking It in ten words or less: New Adult Chick Lit with the most charming characters

You can check out my review for Gabrielle Tozer’s debut novel, The Intern, here. 

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