Top Ten Tuesday: 2015 Resolutions!


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

The topic for this week is a freebie which means participants can choose whichever topic they want. It can be a past one they want to revisit or something completely different. 

This week I’m going to post my list of resolutions for 2015. It’s still January so it still counts, right?


1. Remember to review everything I read. Last year I read twice as much as I reviewed… so I need to try to make that closer to a 1:1 ratio.

2. Branch out a little more! I’ve been trying to become a little more diverse in what I read but for the most part I do have a type of book I read most. I’m currently reading a few biographies which is great because normally I’m not one for too much non-fiction.

3. Get more involved with the blogging community. I think I need to try to reach out to more bloggers and authors.

4. Finish series. There are times when I start a series and read all the books which have been released at that time and then I never follow-up and finish the series once the last books are released.

5. Read all the books which have been sitting on my shelves for more than year and are still unread.


6. Conquer Charles Dickens. Hopefully by the end of the year I’ll have read Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities…

7. Visit the library more often. So far so good – It’s only 3 weeks in and I’ve been twice.


8. Be more up to date with the blogging side of book blogging….

9. Go to more independent bookstores.


10. Listen to all those audiobooks I bought and then forgot about. Audiobooks are a bit like ebooks for me. Because they’re not taking up physical space and taking over the house there have been times when I’ve forgotten all about them!


I’m excited to see what everyone chose as their freebie this week. Fingers crossed that I manage to keep at least a few of my 2015 bookish resolutions!

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  1. Going to more indie bookstores is a great resolution! There are a couple in my area, and a few others I’d like to visit when visiting relatives. It’s so important to support small local businesses.

  2. It’s good to get some resolutions out to work towards! 🙂 I really want to reach out to more bloggers too. I’d love to branch out a bit more as well. I hope that you achieve these goals in 2015! 🙂

  3. Good luck with your resolutions 😀 I have a giant backlog of books to review from last year, and I really want to try to catch up and then continue to review everything I read this year. Even if I don’t post the reviews immediately, I want to get them written!

  4. These resolutions totally count. It is still January, and sometimes it takes a little bit to figure out what your goals are for the year.

    These are all great goals. I also feel like I should get more involved in the community. It’s always an effort for me, but I am getting better.

    And yay library love! I’m a librarian, so I love seeing people use the library.

  5. #3 is a huge one for me. I’m always nervous or awkward when it comes to making that first introduction, so I definitely want to aim to be more assertive. I also need to make a dent in some series this year. January isn’t too late:) I wish you the best of luck with all your resolutions, I hope you achieve them!:D

    Claire @ Cover to Cover

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