Young Adult: Fool Me Twice by Mandy Hubbard

Young Adult: Fool Me Twice by Mandy HubbardFool Me Twice by Mandy Hubbard
Series: If Only #1
Also in this series: Wish You Were Italian, Not in the Script
on 1st May 2014
Pages: 272
Last summer, Mackenzie and Landon were the perfect couple. And then he dumped her and broke her heart. Fast-forward a year and they’re back at their summer jobs at Serenity Ranch and Spa with Mack and her best friend Bailey, spending their time fantasising about making voodoo dolls and playing childish pranks on Landon.

Luckily for Mack, the perfect opportunity presents itself. Landon takes a nasty fall and suddenly he’s stuck in the past – literally. His most recent memory is of last summer, when they were together, so now he’s calling Mack pet names and hanging all over her. 

The plan is simple: keep Landon at arm’s length, manipulate him so he’s the one falling in love, and then, BAM, dump him in the most epic revenge plot in the history of everdom. There’s only one teensy problem: Mack can’t fall for Landon a second time. - 

Mackenzie has spent the last year trying to get over her break up with Landon. They had spent a magical summer together but when school started up again he broke her heart and returned to his ex. Now it’s summer again both Mack and Landon are working at the Serenity Ranch and Spa. Mack is determined not to let Landon get under her skin no matter how what. When Landon has an accident, he can’t remember the past year and thinks he and Mack are still together. Deciding to play along and then break his heart like he did hers, Mack gets to see a different side of Landon – one she didn’t even discover last summer when they were dating.

I think there’s a misconception especially in young adult fiction where an entirely clean read is somehow juvenile – more of a middle grade read than YA. Fool Me Twice shows that this is not the case. Mack and her best friend Bailey are preparing to go to college and for all the pranks and antics, it’s clear that they are on the verge of adulthood but they don’t need to over indulge in alcohol, swearing, sex and other things to show it.

This book is such a fun read. I had some issues regarding the lack of proper medical assistance given to Landon (I mean seriously – he’s fallen off a horse and can’t remember the past year of his life and all they do is get the Botox doctor to check him out?!) but that in no means detract from what I found a very cute and amusing read. It is clear that Mack is a good person despite her plan but Landon hurt her badly and she does want some kind of closure. Her friendship with Bailey is fun to read and getting to see Bailey’s own relationship dramas was a great addition to the story. My favourite part of this book without doubt was the clever and inventive prank war which ensued between Mack and Landon. I can’t believe some of the things they came up with! The one with the cups? Oh wow!

In terms of plot, Fool Me Twice may be a little predictable but this is definitely one of those books you read for the journey and not the destination. I loved seeing just how everything was playing out between Mack and Landon and the actual ending was less important. The romance is adorable and sweet. Mack isn’t the same girl she was last summer and is less bothered by what Landon things in terms of her interests. Horror movies are a passion and I have to admit I’m impressed with just how many movie references the author managed to flawlessly insert into the novel.

Fool Me Twice is one of the cutest and funniest books I’ve read in a while. The characters are realistic and have quite a sense of humour. This book would make a perfect summer read or a great story to curl up with in the middle of winter and dream of warmer days.


Thanks to Bloomsbury Australia for the review copy


  1. This one sounds incredibly cutesy and fun, I love the fluffy reads. Sometimes a predictable read can be light hearted and flirty fun, and I need more on my to read list. The prank with the cups has me super intrigued now. Definitely giving this one a go. Absolutely brilliant review, I’m sold <3

  2. I really dislike the cover of this book. It just looks so cheesy. Ugh. But I know I shouldn’t judge books by their covers, and I LOVE cute books…


    As long as they’re not too sappy/unrealistic. But I DO like the sound of a prank war. The only book I can think of with pranks is Looking for Alaska by John Green.

  3. This sounds really cute! I love my fluffy reads so I think this one deserves a spot on my TBR…To be honest I haven’t really heard much about this one, I think your review is the first I’ve read. I’ve heard a lot more about the second one, Wish You Were Italian, however. Are you going to read the second one?

  4. Pingback: Book Review: Not in the Script by Amy Finnegan

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