Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Winter To Be Read List


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

The topic for this week is: Top Ten Books On My Summer Winter TBR list

A Beautiful Wedding (Beautiful, #3) The Fyrelit Tragedy (Zarkora #1) Shimmer (The Rephaim, #3)

A Beautiful Wedding by Jamie Maguire – I just bought this – like half an hour ago. IT was on sale and I sort of want to see how everything turns out for these two.

The Fyrelit Tragedy by N & A Lochel – Bought this one a few weeks ago. It’s middle grade fantasy which isn’t usually my kind of thing but these authors are from Brisbane and I do love reading local authors.

Shimmer by Paula Weston – I have been waiting for this book for a YEAR! So I’m excited to read the third book in the Rephaim series.

The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1) The Night Circus Emma

The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski – Heard the most AMAZING things about The Winner’s Curse. And read a few reviews which have just made me almost desperate to read it.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern – It’s been on my to-read list for a while and I hope that I will finally get around to reading it in the next three months

Emma by Jane Austen – One on the few Austen books I’ve not read yet. Hope to read it before I start watching Emma Approved.

The Immortal Crown (Age of X, #2) Landline Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)

The Immortal Crown by Richelle Mead – so far I have read every book Richelle has published except for The Immortal Crown which is why this one is on the list.

Landline by Rainbow Rowell – comes out next month! Excited. Have loved everything I’ve read by Rainbow so far so hopefully this one will be exciting too.

Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins – Comes out August. Been waiting on this one FOREVER! Am expecting great things!

Opposition (Lux, #5)

Opposition by Jennifer L Armentrout – The next book in the Lux series. I’ve read all of them so far and I think they keep getting better with each new addition. This one comes out August.




Which books are you planning on reading this Summer/Winter? Any you think I’d like? Feel free to leave me a comment 🙂 

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  1. I’ve just started The Immortal Crown – took me forever to remember what had happened in the previous book! I also have Landline and Isla on my list….looking forward to both of them SO much. And I really enjoyed The Night Circus (beautiful writing!) and Emma is probably my second favourite Jane Austen novel. Hope you enjoy them both.

  2. I have Anna and The French Kiss in my list! And yes, I’m only starting now with the trilogy, haha. Hopefully I’ll like it so I can dash off with the second installment and read Isla come August.

    Excited with Rowell’s new book, too! (Didn’t know until recently that it’s science fiction, which is a first.)

  3. Landline is on my list too and I can’t wait to get stuck in and read it! 🙂 I hope it’s another gem from Rainbow Rowell. I hope you enjoy all of the books on your list!

  4. I loved the Night Circus! And I know Emma isn’t for everyone but I ADORE it. I have been hanging for Isla too, like everyone else. Can’t wait to read it.

  5. I so so so wis my library had The Night Circus. I’m absolutely dying to read it. XD AND ISLA. OMG I CANNOT WAIT TILL THAT COMES OUT. I kind of skipped TTT this week, but I’m really looking forward to reading Razorhurst and Dorothy Must Die and Wicked this summer. 🙂

  6. Landline made my TTT today, but Lux, Isla and the Happy Ever After and The Immortal Crown are all on my TBR list, and The Night Circus and The Winner’s Curse are on that extended list us bloggers seem to have of books that go on for infinity – that TBR that will last us til we’re 90?? That’s the one.

    R x

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