Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Will Make You Cry!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

The topic for this week is: Top Ten Books That Will Make You Cry!

I’m not usually a very emotional person. But there are some books that made me tear up and on the odd occasion burst into tears. Extremely embarrassing if it’s when you’re on public transport on the way to work or school…. but those are the books that I’m putting on this week’s list. The books that I couldn’t restrain my emotions even when in very public and oh-so embarrassing places…

I read all of these books before I was a teenager and I remember being devastated by them. I am David was the first book I remember crying in public over. My year 5 teacher read the book aloud to us and it was the saddest thing I ever heard. Anne of Green Gables may not seem that sad but in Anne of the Island… I was holding in tears hoping that Gilbert would be okay! The next book, Goodnight Mister Tom was a book I owned for years before I finally read it. My mother bought it for me but I thought it looked boring but when I finally read it…. definitely a book where I used a few tissues. Little Women is a book that I have read over and over throughout the years but the first time I read it – I wasn’t expecting certain things to happen. There were sad tears in this book but also ones of frustration. I wrote my first fanfiction (before I knew what fanfiction was) rewriting the ending because I wasn’t a fan of how everything went down.

I am David Anne of the Island (Anne of Green Gables, #3) Goodnight Mister Tom Little Women

These books I’ve read more recently. I won’t be surprised if I see TFiOS on my people’s lists this week. John Green certainly knows how to write a heartbreaking novel. If I Stay was one that I was expecting to be sad… but I wasn’t quite prepared. I held up okay right until the grandfather said his part but after that I couldn’t contain myself. The last Harry Potter was one that made me cry. Not so much for the story but the fact that it was over. The series that I’d been reading and anticipating for so many years and then it was just over… heartbreaking. Hannah Harrington is an author who writes powerful contemporary novels with a bitter-sweet edge. Both Speechless and Saving June both moved me and I recommend them both. I reviewed Bird last week and it definitely belongs on this week’s list – made me tear up a little. And last on my list this week is The Storyteller. I read this one last year and wasn’t expecting to be affected considering I’ve read quite a few Jodi Picoult novels and never got too emotional over them but this one is touching and tragic.

The Fault in Our Stars If I Stay Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7) Speechless Saving June Bird The Storyteller

These are the books that made me cry/tear up. There’s a bit of variety here but for possibly the first time ever – it’s mostly contemporary and not another paranormal/dystpian list! Any here that made you cry? Any that you would recommend I read? How about any stories of a book making you show a lot of emotion in public? All stories are welcome! Feel free to leave me a comment. Happy Tuesday to all.

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  1. Of the books you chose, I’ve only read Little Women and Harry Potter 7, but they both had me bawling, oh my god. I still haven’t watched the 7th and 8th Harry Potter movies because I know it’s going to be so tough to literally see the HP franchise’s end.

    • I’m glad I’ve found a fellow Little Women fan! And I really liked the final two HP movies. They scene in the Ministry with the polyjuice was done brilliantly! Hope you like them when you finally get around to watching them! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. I love that you re-wrote the ending for Little Women, that’s something I would definitely do. So often books don’t end how we think they should. This is an awesome list and I’me definitely going to add several of these to my TBR!

  3. A great list with only a few books I’ve actually read myself, so will definitely add some to my wishlist! I love the fact that you actually wrote your own fanfic, changing the ending of Little Women, that’s such a good idea, haha!

    Can’t wait to see your other lists in the upcoming weeks! 🙂

  4. There are very familiar books here! It’s weird seeing Saving June there – I’m always shocked when I discover other people know about books that I thought weren’t popular. That was a confusing sentence.

    Great list, and I look forward to reading more blog posts! Yay for Aussie bloggers 🙂

  5. So many great picks! I can’t believe I left off Anne Of The Island and Little Women. Both are books I loved in childhood and felt so emotionally invested in. There is something so powerful about the books we love as children.

  6. I think the only ones I have read are Little Women and HP. Both made me cry! The last three HP books made me cry. I think every Jodi Picoult book has made me bawl, but I haven’t read The Storyteller yet. I have The Fault in Our Stars on my shelf, but I have been waiting for a time when I can cry my eyes out and not have anywhere to go. 🙂

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