Book Review + Giveaway: Unchosen by Michele Vail

Unchosen on 29th October 2013
Pages: 194
Format: eBook


Title: Unchosen (The Reaper Diaries #2)unchosencover
Author: Michele Vail
Genre: Egyptian Mythology, Young Adult, Paranormal, 
Publisher: A Freeman Publication
Publication Date: 29th October 2013
Pages: 194
Rating: 3 stars

Synopsis (from goodreads):
I thought the worst of my reaper training was behind me… turns out I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Molly Bartolucci has done a lot of growing up but after being accused of using illegal magic at her school for necromancers, reaper-in-training Molly is treading lightly. As the destined leader of Anubis’s Chosen, she needs to study hard, train harder, and stay out of trouble.

Uh, right.

It doesn’t help that she’s feeling more than academic about her melt-your-bones hot reaping instructor, Rath. And if her relationship drama isn’t enough to drive her over the edge, she has to deal with mother issues, nosy little sisters, suspicious friends, and an unnamed force stalking her at school.

Then her family is attacked, and her bio-dad ends up comatose in the hospital. Now, Molly has to uncover who’s trying to hurt her loved ones—and all without the help of Anubis.

My Review:

Keep Calm and carry your scythe…

Molly has been though a lot lately. Her first kiss – and subsequent first enthralling. Finding out her bio-dad is actually an ancient Egyptian God. Add to that her maternal ancestors all had Reaper powers and she was a legacy at a prestigious boarding school for necromancers. But things are just getting started for Molly.

She has to train to be the ‘Chosen’ Daughter of Anubis – despite the fact that she is in fact Anubis’ only living flesh girl child. She needs to somehow stay under the radar at school before whoever is trying to frame her gets her expelled. Oh and she needs to keep her wits about her even when sleeping because she keeps getting some possibly prophetic dreams spelling out death and destruction.

Wow she’s a busy girl.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the first book in this series, Undeadly. It felt a little too reminiscent of other books I’d read around that time. But I thought Unchosen was a great addition to this series. Molly is finding her feet among those who are gifted with magical powers – and she’s also doing okay coming to terms with the whole half-god thing. She’s growing on me as I can see that she’s growing up and she’s not the same girl in this book as she was in the last. I liked that she’s beginning to see the bigger picture and take responsibility for her role in the upcoming battle.

This book was so quick to read! I’d sad down to read a few chapters and next thing I know it’s a few hours later and I’m finished it! I loved how I was drawn into the story and didn’t want to stop. The ending has me anxiously anticipating the third and final book in this trilogy, Unbroken. 

Rath was my favourite character in the first book and I wasn’t as fond of him in this instalment. His relationship with Molly felt a little odd to me – I love the developments but the timing/pacing of it all just felt a little off. I felt a similar way towards all of the secondary characters. Because this book is fairly short and plot wise there’s quite a bit happening, we don’t get all that much character development. I wondered why some characters and some of their info were mentioned but I’m sure that it’ll all make sense in the next book.

Overall – I enjoyed the story. It’s quick, with quite a bit of action and a great take on Egyptian mythology – one that I’m not very familiar with. There’s romance and zombies (how cool are zombie?) and somehow it all comes together to deliver an entertaining story.

Thanks to Itching for Books Blog Tours for the review copy

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Michele Vail is the author of The Reaper Diaries, a young adult paranormal series set in the modern world with a zombie twist. The stories center on 16-year-old Molly Bartolucci, a reaper-in-training who’s learning to deal with love, destiny, and death.
Michele Vail is the pen name of national bestselling paranormal romance author Michele Bardsley (who also writes thriller mysteries under Michele Freeman). The Reaper Diaries consist of three books: Undeadly, Unchosen, and Unbroken.
Author Links:


There’s a tourwide giveaway for Unchosen when someone has the chance to win a copy of Undeadly & Unchosen (US only) and a $15 Amazon giftcard (open Internationally). Click on the rafflecopter link below for the chance to win!

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