Top Ten Tuesday: Things that make blogging easier

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

The topic for this week is:ย Top Ten Things That Make Your Life As A Reader/Book Blogger Easier

There are a lot of things that I think making book blogging easier.


MY notebooks, camera, kindle, ipod shuffle and organizer.

Notebook + Pen – and this includes ALL stationery. I love to write things down. Postits, notebooks in my bag, anywhere. I have a notebook that’s dedicated to my book blogging. I put ideas for my TTT posts, notes whilst reading, and anything else that I think is relevant. This way I have it all in one spot and won’t lose it! My little Brighton Rock notebook is the one I carry whenever I leave my house. I got it on special and was only two dollars – but I think it’s ย gorgeous! Yes… I’m someone who adores stationery.

Organizer / Calendar – I’ve never been one of those people who could keep track of dates. And electronic calendars don’t work for me. I need it out in front of me – a week to a view :P. It’s useful when planning out pots, archive dates for e-galleys, and other dates that help you keep track of blogging. Mine also has a to-do list section which I use to make sure I’m up to date.

E-Reader – I’ve had a kindle keyboard for just under two years. I didn’t think I’d ever use it but soon discovered how much I love it. It’s great because I can carry an entire library around with me ๐Ÿ˜€ Also – convenient to get review copies and overspend at Amazon’s kindle store….

mp3 player + earphones – Sometimes when I really want to concentrate whist reading and need to blog the world out. Or other times – I get the urge to listen to an audio book! Currently training for the Bridge2Brisbane (it’s a 10km run… or in my case walk!) and get a lot of listening/reading done during my training. Currently listening to Until I Die by Amy Plum. It’s one of my favourite audiobooks to date. I like the narrators voice and her pronunciations.

camera – Cause photos break up the white space… and this little camera is fantastic. I’ve had it for a two years and it’s so very easy to use and compact.


goodreads – Before goodreads, I didn’t really keep track of what I read. But now I can, and find new books to read, read review and find series information about books all on one handy website! ๐Ÿ˜€ You can find my goodreads profile here.ย 

NetGalley/Edelweiss – I love getting the chance to read books before they are released.

Library catalogue – I love my local library. I’ve only belonged for a few months but I’m in there all the time. The library catalogue is great for being able to search and see what they have (borrowing is so much happier for my bank account) and when I’ve been super busy and haven’t got around to reading the books I borrow, I can renew online. Also – libraries have great events. I’ve been to a few and met some great people and had fun.

Tweetdeck – I don’t like the web version of twitter. It sort of confuses me and I never know what’s going on. I love tweetdeck. It’s easy to use and a great way to keep track of everything.


Book Bloggers – they are the reason I got into blogging and to be honest, one of the reasons why I’m still at it. I like the sense of community and the motivation that comes from them as a group. Plus – they keep giving such great recommendations of what to read next!

It’s probably fairly similar to a lot of lists out there this week. Great minds think alike? ๐Ÿ˜€ IF you think there’s anything you love to utilize when book blogging – please let me know! I love to make my life easier!

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  1. I love my e-reader, too! I was reluctant to start using one, but it makes reading and blogging so much easier. Not only am I able to carry my library around with me, but I am able to highlight and notate without defiling pages, and I can easily triple check the quotes I use in my posts through the word search feature. I don’t get any paper cuts either. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Great list. And I agree about needing a hardcopy of calender. I like electronic calanders for massive details. But I need a week by week calander in front of me too or I’ll forget something.

  3. I find it interestin that you like to sometimes listen to music while reading to shut everything else out. I find it too distracting so usually I just go in a quite room and read. I like your items couldn’t agree more with most of them!
    Lily @ Lilysbookblog

    • I’m one of five kids and I think that because growing up it was always noisy – I can’t really cope with total silence. So I find music great when I don’t want to be distracted by anything but I don’t want things to be creepily silent.

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