Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2013

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Each week they will post a new Top Ten list that one of their bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join.

This week’s topic is: Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2013

  • To read more of the books I already own instead of just “collecting” them. I have boxes and boxes and shelves of books that I’ve not read yet… But I still have itchy fingers and want to buy new books every second Thursday (pay day 😀 ). Last week I was on holiday and my hotel was just across the road from a store that had fantastic books on sale. I came home with nine new books…. 
  • To review each book I read.
  • To read more indie/self-published books
  • I aspire to read/listen to more audiobooks.
  • I want to learn more about HTML and blog design. The aim is to change things up a little regarding my blogs layout. I’m not computer savvy in the slightest and really should try to learn something more about that aspect of blogging
  • Be more social in the blogging community
  • Create posts in advance. I’m such a last-minute blogger. It’s 5pm late Tuesday afternoon (I’m darting between the kitchen and my desk making dinner) and I’m only just now getting around to my TTT post for the week. I want to be a little more on top of what I’m posting and be more organized regarding scheduling my posts.
  • Complete the challenges I’ve signed up for in 2013
  • Try to read books before seeing their movies. So many fantastic ones being released theatrically this year and I’m the kind of person who often forgets to read the book if I’ve already seen the film.
  • Go to some bookish events. Book signings, literature festivals. Before I was blogging I used to go to a lot more bookish related events than I did last year. I aim to change that this year.

I have to admit that right now that I’m rather excited about 2013 and the bookish challenges/goals I’ve set myself. Not sure I’ll feel the same way once December comes….



  1. I too, am hopelessly last-minute when it comes to blogging. There always seem to be so many other things to do! So, inspired by an article on, I’ve decided to set aside some time each week, put a timer on for 30 minutes, and write, write, write!

    • That’s a great idea. I’ve not been to CopyBlogger before but I just went and am having a look around.They seem to have a lot of interesting information and I’ll have to put aside at least thirty minutes to have a more indepth read of some of their articles.

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. Read the book before seeing the movie is on my list, as well. I’m ready for The Great Gatsby, and once I finish the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (and *finally* see that movie) I’m moving on to the Hobbit. Friends got me reaaaaally nice leatherbound sets of that and LORT trilogy and I really should open them at some point…the wedding was like 8 years ago!

  3. Great goals! I have it on my list to stop buying as many books this year too. Seems to be a common theme. 🙂 I also want to be better about creating posts ahead of time and finish my reading challenges. Good luck on your goals and happy reading! 🙂

  4. Books before movies is a great one! I didn’t see The Perks of Being a Wallflower because I hadn’t read the book. It’s so much better when you read the book beforehand!

  5. Great list of goals! I need to work more on scheduling posts and reading from my own shelves. Good luck & I hope 2013 is a great year for you 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT post!

  6. great list! i always try to read the books before movies, really going to try to read Beautiful creatures before it comes out ! and creating post ahead of time is a biggie for me too! good luck with your goals, and thanks for stopping by my TTT yesteryda! – Katie @ Inkk

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