Eat Pray Love Made Me Do It by Elizabeth Gilbert

Eat Prey Love Made Me Do It is a compilation of almost fifty stories by people who did more than just imagine what it would be like to live like Elizabeth Gilbert (EG). They used the memoir as inspiration and after reading Eat Pray Love (EPL) took steps to change their lives. I liked the concept …


(YouTuber in Book Form): Follow Me by Ricky Dillon

I should probably start this review by pointing out a few things. I don’t really watch YouTube. I use it for K-Pop music videos and for learning how to fix a leaky taps without having to call a plumber. The YouTube personalities I’ve seen on TV shows like The Amazing Race tend to irritate me. …


(Instruction Manual of Sorts): This Book Is Gay by James Dawson

In This Book Is Gay, James Dawson sets out to provide information and support for teens who are questioning or coming to terms with their sexuality. Presented in a light-hearted and humorous way, This Book Is Gay was both informative and funny complete with facts, personal anecdotes and testaments from LGBT* people around the world. …


Popular: Vintage Wisdom for a Modern Geek by Maya van Wagenen – A Review

I should probably take a moment to define what the word popular means as best I can. It’s a complicated word. I know what it’s not. It’s not sitting alone, or being made fun of. It’s not feeling ashamed of how you look and constantly wanting to hide in corners, wishing you could disappear. It’s not what …


Book Review: The Isobel Journal by Isobel Harrop

Title: The Isobel Journal Author: Isobel Harrop Genre: Art Journal, Realistic, Young Adult, Non-fiction, British Publisher: Hot Key Books Publication Date: November 2013 Pages: 208 Rating: 4 stars Synopsis (from goodreads): THE ISOBEL JOURNAL is no ordinary snapshot of a contemporary teenage life. A charming and vivid narrative scrapbook of the eighteen-year-old author’s sketches, mini-graphic novels, photographs …


Book Review: Girl Guide: 200+ Tips for High School Survival by Courtney S. King

Title: Girl Guide: 200+ Tips for High School Survival Author: Courtney S. King Genre: Non-Fiction, self-help Publisher: self-published Publication Date: September 2012  Pages: 122 pages Rating: 3.5 stars Synopsis (from goodreads): Girl Guide: 200+ Tips for High School offers advice for teen girls entering or continuing high school. From primping for prom to decoding dudes, the first book in …
