Armchair BEA: Day 1 – Introductions

Hi there and welcome to my first post for the 2014 Armchair BEA. Armchair BEA is an online event held annually held at the same time as Book Expo America in New York. It’s a chance for bloggers who can’t attend the event to participate in an online convention. I participated in 2012 and enjoyed …


12 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the actual process of blogging. Some friends of mine have been discussing starting up a new blog and I was trying to come up with some helpful advice about blogging that I’ve learned in the past two and a bit years. They are not at all interested in book …


Which E-Reader Should I Buy? (I need your help!)

A few weeks ago something terrible happened – my kindle keyboard of nearly three years was no more. In the years since I first got him, he was a constant companion. We fell asleep together, went to work together, he entertained me on long commutes and I took him with me to see the sights …


How Do You Take Notes Whilst Reading? – A Discussion

NOTE: In this post I am talking about how I take notes along with some examples. This post may contain minor spoilers. I have a terrible memory. There are times when five minutes after finishing a novel I can’t even remember the main characters’ names. After deciding that I wanted to have my own book review …


Why Negative Reviews Aren’t Necessarily Bad Reviews

I’ve seen some posts around lately about people wondering if it’s kinder to not leave a review at all than one that is less than favourable.    Negative reviews ARE NOT personal attacks against the story or the author. They are not slanderous or cruel nor are they offensive. I’ve read those types of reviews …
