Book Review, Q&A and Giveaway: Game Plan by Natalie Corbett Sampson

Title: Game Plan Author: Natalie Corbett Sampson Genre: Realistic Fiction, Contemporary, Young Adult, Publisher: Fierce Ink Press Date Published: November 2013 Pages: 360 Rating: 4 stars Synopsis (from goodreads): Just because the play goes wrong, doesn’t mean you quit the game. Ella Parker seems to have everything: great friends, an awesome family and a star position on …


Book Review + Giveaway: The Night Has Claws by Kat Kruger

I’m delighted today to be a part of The Night Has Claws blog tour hosted by Fierce Ink Press. I also have an ecopy of the book to give away so please make sure you keep reading right to the end of this post for details of how to enter! Title: The Night Has Claws (The Magdeburg …
